Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Complaint-Free World Starts in the Home

 Can you imagine a complaint free world? "Really, honey...dinner was fantastic tonight". "Uh huh...sure it was."

I am a terrible cook. In fact, I can't even make one of those Campbell's soup can recipes. You know the ones I am talking about. They usually involve some sort of meat, topped with rice, topped with soup and milk. "Wa-la - dinner is served".

Well, it's not quite so simple in my house. Tonight, we were supposed to have "Pork Chop and Stuffing Casserole". It turned into "Pork Chop and Soggy Crouton Soup". "Mommy, this is yucky", my three year old daughter exclaimed. My husband didn't exactly complain, but he did seem stunned.

"Wow, it hard to follow the directions on the back of a soup can?" he asked sarcastically. Needless to say, I am ready for a complaint free, sigh free, sarcasm free, eye-rolling free, and gag free world (especially during meal-time).

Have you heard of the Complaint Free World movement yet? It is a simple, yet powerful idea devised by Rev. Will Bowen, who pastors the Christ Church Unity in Kansas City. The task is easy, but the challenge may seem insurmountable. You start by wearing a little rubber purple band on your arm (like the yellow Live Strong bands worn by Lance Armstrong and his fans) as a gentle reminder to stop complaining.

Scientists suggest that it takes 21 days to change a habit. Therefore, the goal is to keep the bracelet on a single arm for 21 days. Why just one arm, you ask? Well, because the moment you sigh, grumble, moan, and whine about something you have to switch the bracelet to the opposite arm.

Personally, since I need a bit of a stronger "nudge", I am going to pull mine back as far as possible and snap it back against my wrist each time I whine about something - OUCH!

All kidding aside, imagine a complaint free dinner table. What about a complaint free home? Can you imagine a complaint and gossip free workplace? It almost seems implausible. What will people talk about around the water cooler? What will the conversations be like during the next "girls night out"? What will the next Super Bowl party sound like? While I am imagining people shuffling around, staring at their own feet and twiddling their thumbs, I am confident that the movement and the resulting awareness of all of the negativity that surrounds us will change all of our lives.

So, the next time one of my casseroles turns into a "just add meat" sloppy, soupy mess, my kids and husband will be forced to talk about their day. "So, how was preschool?" My husband will ask as he curls his toes and sips his stuffing soup.

You can't change the world without changing your own home first. You can get the free bracelets for your family at

Additional Resources

Friday, March 23, 2007

Billionaire opens mansions to homeless

By AUDREY McAVOY, Associated Press Writer Fri Mar 23, 7:32 AM ET

HONOLULU - Dorie-Ann Kahale and her five daughters moved from a homeless shelter to a mansion Thursday, courtesy of a Japanese real estate mogul who is handing over eight of his multimillion-dollar homes to low-income Native Hawaiian families. 

Tears spilled down Kahale's cheeks as she accepted from billionaire Genshiro Kawamoto the key to a white, columned house with a circular driveway, a stone staircase and a deep porcelain bathtub. Her family will live there rent-free, but must pay utility bills.

"I'm shocked. I'm overwhelmed," Kahale said. "From the little box we had to what we have today."

Continue reading article at Yahoo News....



Monday, March 12, 2007

Free Hugs


Send a Letter to a Sick Child

I stumbled upon this website today.

Take a moment today to send a note to an ill child. Take a look at the profiles too. The courage of these children will inspire you.


Spoon with Someone

This is a pretty simple one. Just spoon with someone who loves you.

Your child, your baby, your spouse, your cat, your dog. Certainly you can find someone to spoon with.

I know it seems silly to post about spooning, but frankly, sometimes I think our lives get so chaotic, so stressful, so busy...that we forget to take some time and snuggle with the people we care about.

Hugs are great too, but they are way too quick.

Spooning takes a bit of forethought. Should you spoon during a movie? Should you get up early and crawl into bed to spoon with your kiddo? What about an unexpected "spoon" with a spouse after a fight. How about leaving the laundry, the dishes and dinner undone so you can stop and spoon with a colicky baby?


A Little More Inspiration - Wonderful Verse to Share

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

Dr. Kent M. Keith
American Author and Inspirational Speaker
© Copyright Kent M. Keith, 1968


Woman's act of honesty inspires more kindness

When Canesha Blackman helped a stranger, she quickly found herself being helped in turn.

By Associated Press
Published September 11, 2005

LAKELAND - Canesha Blackman didn't even think to open the zippered bag she found outside a city building one day last month.

The 24-year-old homeless woman just went back inside and turned it in, then returned to the task of scraping up enough change to take the bus to her job at a Checkers restaurant.

It turned out the bag belonged to a Polk County sheriff's detective and held $800 in cash. Deputy Sandy Scherer had driven off with the bag on the hood of her car. Subsequent events have changed the life of Blackman, a single mother with five children ranging in age from 6 years to 6 months, as a rather innocuous good deed has prompted a flood of goodwill from all over.

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